Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Book Reading #51: Living With Complexity

Reference  Information
Title: Living With Complexity
Author: Donald Norman
Publisher: 2010 Basic Books

Chapter 1: Why Is Complexity Necessary?
This chapter discussed complexity in the world, and that good design tames complexity by managing it and making it less complicated. The keys to coping with complexity include the design of the thing itself that determines understandability and our own set of abilities and skills. Complex things are often enjoyable (they are natural), including things such as music that requires much study

First of all, the font chosen for this book is a little ridiculous. It may be pretty, but there is something very helpful called serifs. Other than that, I agree that complexity is an important concept and that design should make things understandable while not making them too simple.

Chapter 2: Simplicity is in the Mind
This chapter discussed simplicity and the fact that people claim to want things to be simpler, then ask for more features. Conceptual models were discussed, and the easier something is for the user, the harder it is for the designer. Simplicity isn't the goal - understandability is.

I find it interesting that Norman completely changed his view on features. He went from discussing how bad many features are to saying that they're good because people want them. But I did like his discussion that simplicity is not what designers should be focusing on. Complex things can be good if they're understandable.

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